The Duke of Edinburgh gives a chance to do something completely new and improve on
things we’re already doing. It takes us out of our comfort zone and into a place where we
push ourselves and have amazing new experiences. It helps to build confidence,
resilience, skills for work and friendship groups. This program takes between one and
four years to complete and must be completed by the participant’s twenty-fifth birthday.
There are around 300,000 participants annually. The programs are at three progressive
levels which, if successfully completed, lead to a Bronze, Silver, or Gold Duke of
Edinburgh’s Award. What can be better for the students to get familiar with such
programs at the age of 14-15? Students at YS are introduced to this international
th program in class 9 and guided in the school itself for its further process.
Builds confidence among students
Helps in developing outdoor skills
Gives an edge to the students in the race for university places
Students with interest in extra co-curricular activities can set themselves ahead of others in future