The middle school years are the most rapid period of growth and development since
infancy. Lions Quest Skills for Adolescence is one such program designed to help middle
school students, parents and teachers cope with the physical, emotional and social
challenges of early adolescence and YS in association with Lions Quest aims to touch
every single student and parent to help them understanding the changes that take place
in the children of middle school. This program integrates social and emotional learning,
character development, drug and bullying prevention, and service-learning for positive
youth development. Through a series of developmentally appropriate thematic units and
lesson plans, the program helps create a school and classroom environment that
promotes the positive student behaviors that lead to greater academic success.
What this program focuses upon?
Healthy learning environment for students
Bonding of students and teachers
Bonding of students and parents
Helping students to manage their emotions
Strengthening family relationships
Skills for Growing
The students in the primary section are tender and need the utmost care. Also, they need
love and attention in a different way than others. For this, their teachers must be
equipped with new techniques and methodologies through which they can make their
students learn better, enjoy more and feel comfortable in every aspect of life
Keeping this in mind, junior sections’ teachers are given training to deal with little ones
with love ans care effectively.