Scouting is all about building confidence and self-esteem, learning important life skills
and leadership skills, team building, outdoor adventure, education, and fun! Scouts
(Boys) and Guides (Girls) learn how to make good choices and to take responsibility for
their actions so that they are prepared for their adult life as independent persons. This
program helps to achieve its purpose of developing young people physically,
intellectually, socially and spiritually. Also, it develops self-knowledge and the need to
explore, to discover, world beyond the classroom, tapping the skills of others to learn
and to become well- rounded people.YS Group is proudly going to start this program
from the session 2019-20 onwards hoping to give students one more platform to learn,
explore and develop.
To promote building of character in young ones
To develop skills needed for social service and offering service to community
To develop awareness of the importance of self-defence, environment and natural resources